Category Archives: Uncategorized


PMW 2024-033 by Barton J. GingerichFork in road

Gentry note: This is a helpful article on the importance of maintaining orthodoxy.

Richard John Neuhaus (1936-2009), the conservative Lutheran-turned-Catholic cleric and writer, originated what would become known as Neuhaus’ Law. Deeply aware of social dynamics and theological truth, he claimed, “Where orthodoxy is optional, orthodoxy will sooner or later be proscribed.” As our own culture continues its unsettling spiritual trajectory, Neuhaus’ Law keeps playing itself out over and over again in church bodies and other Christian institutions.
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Hope 3PMW 2024-027 by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., Th.D..

In his letter to the troubled Corinthian church, Paul lists three Christians virtues while exhorting them to a closer walk with Christ: faith, hope, and love (1 Cor. 13:13). This three-fold cord of holy values provides a strong bond of commitment for the Christian, and has tied the Church of Jesus Christ together throughout the ages.

Faith and love are not only beautiful threads knitting together the fabric of the Christian life, but are easily recognized as such. They weave a strong carpet for the Christian walk; they serve as dual strands tugging us forward in our holy calling. And though hope is certainly not a detached thread from the Christian garment, it has been snagged loose and at best is only partially visible to the eye of faith today.

Certainly all Christians are united in recognizing our ultimate, glorious resurrection hope in our heavenly home. We know that the present fallen order is not all that we may expect in our experience of God’s grace. The beatific vision in Scripture encourages us to keep a hopeful eye on heaven above even as we watch our steps in the earth below. And though eternal life in the presence of God is the ultimate hope of the Christian and the abiding consequence of the gospel, it does not exhaust the full significance of biblical hope. Continue reading


imageBy Ken Gentry

I have been asked by a number of people to see the Table of Contents of my Revelation commentary, which is due out April 15, 2024. So I will post this as an aside from my regularly scheduled blog articles.

The commentary can be pre-ordered at a discount:


Foreword by Martin Selbrede
1. Introduction
2. Superscription And Beatitude (1:1–3)
3. Greeting and Theme (1:4–8)
4. The Commissioning Vision (1:9–20)
5. Seven Oracles (2:1—3:22)
6. The Court Scene (4:1–11)
7. The Seven-Sealed Book (5:1–14)
8. The Seals Opened: The First Six Seals (6:1–17)
9. Two Interludes (7:1–17)
10. The Seals Opened: The Seventh Seal (8:1–5)
11. The Seven Trumpet Angels: The First Six Trumpets (8:6—9:21)
12. Third Interlude: The Little Book and John’s Action (10:1–11)
13. Fourth Interlude: The Measured Temple and Two Witnesses (11:1–13)
14. The Seven Trumpet Angels: The Seventh Trumpet (11:14–19)
15. The Sun-Clothed Woman And the Red Dragon (12:1–17)
16. The Beast From the Sea (13:1–10)
17. The Beast From the Land (13:11–18)
18. Visions of Blessing and Judgment (14:1–20)
19. The Seven Last Plagues (15:1—16:21)
20. The Harlot of Babylon and the Beast (17:1–18)
21. The Fall of Babylon the Harlot (18:1—19:5)
22. The Final Victory of the Lamb (19:6–21)
23. Satan’s Ruin and Final Judgment (20:1–15)
24. The New Creation’s Coming (21:1–8)
25. The New Jerusalem Bride (21:9–27
26. New Heaven and New Earth (22:9–17)
27. Final Testimonies and Admonition (22:6–15)
28. The Final Attestation and Blessing (22:16–21)

The Divorce of Israel: A Redemptive-Historical Interpretation of Revelationimage
This long-awaited commentary is now at the printer and should be available for the public in late April, 2024. It is an 1800 page, two-volume deeply exegetical, academic commentary on the Bible’s most mysterious book.

Pre-order today for a special discount. Click:


creedsPMW 2024-025 Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., Th.D.

Creeds are important instruments for the securing and promotion of the Christian faith. The concept of creeds arise in Scripture itself. Certainly no law in Scripture explicitly commands “Thou shalt frame creeds.” Nevertheless, the impetus and mandate for creeds derives from good and necessary inferences deduced from Scripture.

We can demonstrate this in a variety of ways, three of which will suffice for our present purpose.

First, the biblical call for a public affirmation of faith serves as the prime impetus to creedalism.
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PMW 2024-024 by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr.

Creation of adamOnce again I will offer a running overview of an important passage of Scripture. This two part series will present the creation of Adam, the planting of Eden, and the marriage of man.

Gen. 2:7a
the LORD God formed
This shows the intensely personal creation of man. Animals were created en masse by a spoken word (1:20, 24); man was created as an individual by God’s carefully forming his body and in-breathing life into him (cp. 2:21–22). This is not a poetic, anthropomorphic image of a potter at work, for: (1) neither the word “potter” nor “hand” appear (as in Jer. 18:4, 6) and (2) potters do not work with “dust” but clay (Isa. 29:16; Jer. 18:4).

Gen. 2:7b
The Hebrew word for “man” is adam which is related to the word “ground” (adamah). As a land creature man is closely linked with the ground from the beginning (2:5, 9, 15–16; 3:16–19a; cp. 1:29). Under God’s curse for his rebellion, he will return to the ground (3:19b).

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March 25, 2024

This fully orthodox preterist commentary is scheduled to be completed printing by April 15, 2024. I am hoping to have it in hand sometime between April 30 and May 10, 2024. Please note: Due to shipping and logistical issues there could be a slight delay on my receiving it for distribution.

To get pre-publication special for the two-volume set, click HERE.

If you order before April 15 I will sign your copy (if you would like for me to do so and if you specifically request it). Then I will send it to you as soon as I receive my shipment.

Thanks for your interest. And patience. And prayers! Keep them going.

Ken Gentry


Hey, readers:
I’ve been working on two or three new book projects – besides my Revelation commentary – that I’m looking forward to sharing with you later this year.

For at least one of them, I’m working with a publisher that’s fairly new on the scene. This small press is run by a man with 10+ years of experience as a book designer and producer. He’s overseen the design and production of many titles, including big ones by Rushdoony, Morecraft, Chilton, and North – handling typesetting, indexing, proofreading, cover design, and more. He knows how to do this.

As we’re looking to determine what this publishing partnership looks like, the most helpful thing at this stage is to know exactly what you, dear reader, want.

Do you want to my forthcoming books to be published in sewn hardcover? Do you want an audiobook version?

You tell me!

We’ve put together a short survey with some questions that will give us a lot of insight into how we should proceed. If you have a minute to spare, would you fill it out for me?

It won’t take you long, but your answers will be so helpful to me in knowing how we should move forward. The more details you can give about you, your reading habits, and what you’re looking for, the better.

In case the link above doesn’t work, copy and paste this into your browser:

Thank you!