Category Archives: Ethics


DiversityPMW 2024-026 by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., Th. D.

I live in the deep south, and right in the middle of the Bible belt. Unfortunately, we have gotten a taste of the homosexual revolution in our area. Awhile back recent news items, editorials, and letters to the editor debated the question of homosexuality. Tragically, the conservative South and Christian dominated cities are not immune to the moral decline and degradation of our culture.

Unfortunately, the whole controversy is a study in muddled ethical thinking, contradictory assertions, sloganeering, and outlandish charges. The local resistance to homosexual culture has been ridiculed as: “a breach of the separation of church and state,” “Naziism,” “menacing authority,” “an atrocity,” “right-wing extremism,” “poisonous,” “ayatollah-like,” “warped,” “a return to the dark ages,” “frightening,” “appalling,” “a witch hunt,” and more. Consequently, the dispute exposes our inability to think through moral issues. But public socio-political discourse is not the place for such moral confusion.
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pillar of saltPMW 2024-023 by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr.

In this posting I will present a running overview of Genesis 19 relative to the sin and judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Gen. 19:1a
the two angels
In Genesis 18:2 three men (i.e., angels) appeared to Abraham, one of them being the angel of the Lord, God himself (18:1, 13, 17). Two of them headed to Sodom (18:22), while the Lord departed from Abraham (18:33). Here in v. 1 the two angels come to investigate Sodom in anticipation of its destruction (v. 13; cp. 18:20–26).

Gen. 19:1b
Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom
Peter declares three times that Lot is “righteous” (2 Pet. 2:7–8). Genesis only hints at this by noting that God would spare men for righteousness (18:22–33) then sparing Lot (v. 29). But Lot is a tragic example of a believer (declared righteous; cp. Genesis 15:6) who frequently fails: he chooses a land outside of the Promised Land based on its luxury even though the residents were “wicked exceedingly” (13:8–13); offers his daughters to the abusive Sodomites (vv. 5, 8); hesitates in leaving Sodom though directed by the angels (v. 16); and allows his daughters to get him drunk so as to commit incest (vv. 35–36). Peter tells us that he was oppressed and tormented by Sodom’s sensual conduct day by day, though he continued to live among them (2 Pet. 2:7–8). Christians must be concerned with their surroundings and avoid evil company (Psa. 1:1; 26:4–5; Prov. 4:14–15; 13:20; 1 Cor. 15:33). Lot lost his sons-in-law because of his remaining in an evil environment (19:14b).
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PMW 2023-084 by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr.Law and Jesus

In 1 Corinthians 9:21 we read the following statement by Paul:

“to those who are without law, [I am] as without law, though not being without the law of God but under the law of Christ, that I might win those who are without law.”

The italicized phrases in this statement have presented material to anti-theonomists, suggesting that Paul here declares that in Christ — and, therefore, in the Christian era — a new law prevails, which he denominates: “the Law of Christ.” This new Law of Christ supplants the older Law of God as the ethical norm for Christian behavior.
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bible-thumperPMW 2022-070 by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr.

In my last article I introduced the problem of cultural collapse as indicated by the transgender phenomenon as a social and political movement. In this article I will briefly highlight the biblical argument against transgender ideology. In that postmillennialism is biblically-rooted eschatological system which seeks a God’s-law governed moral system, postmillennialists need to understand the issues. So now let us consider transgenderism and:

The Divine Prohibition

For Christians the most important observations on trans-gender issues, though, come from God’s Word itself. Scripture speaks expressly against transgender behavior. It presents it as a sin that cries out for release through redemption and counseling. Continue reading


collapsing-buildingPMW 2022-069 by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., Th.D.

The postmillennial hope is rooted in God’s word, not man’s world. Postmillennialism expects ups-and-downs as history unfolds. Though eventually the advances will far outweigh the declines. However, currently we are witnessing a downward trend in our cultural situation.

Our culture is now in such a state of rebellion against God that it cannot even tell the difference between male and female, such is the blindness of unbelief. The postmillennial hope involves a deep and abiding commitment to God’s word and his law to shine a light on our path forward. Unfortunately, so many Christian churches have become so invested in fun and entertainment instead of worship and study that Christians are confused in how to respond to our collapsing culture. Continue reading


PMW 2022-020 by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr.


Postmillennialism expects a day when “the earth will open up and salvation [will] bear fruit, and righteousness [will] spring up with it” (Isa 45:8). It expects the discipling of the nations to teach all the things Christ taught his disciples (Matt. 28:19), which included the continuing relevance of God’s law (Matt. 5:17–19; cp. Rom. 3:19, 31). This is because the law reflects God’s character which is “holy and righteous and good” (Rom. 7:12). Because of this, postmillennialists would do well to learn God’s law and its practical applications.

Learning Deuteronomy well is a good place to start. And the structure of Deuteronomy is helpful for reinforcing and expanding the application of God’s law. Let me explain. Continue reading


Dead Sea ScrollsPMW 2022-005 by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr.

This is my final article in a brief series responding to the charge that preterism is anti-Semitic. The charge arises in that preterists hold that many New Testament passages prophesy the judgment of Israel. I have already shown how this charge is misdirected in several respects. But now I will show that if the charge is accurate, then Jews are themselves anti-Semtic. As odd as it may sound, this is the moral logic of our day’s politically-correct world. Continue reading