Tag Archives: Iran


Iranian ChristiansPMT 2016-062 by Mark Howard
(The Gospel Coalition)

Ken Gentry note: The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. Even among Muslims. Despite persecution Christianity is growing in Islamic lands, as postmillennialism would expect. In a time of decline of the church in America, it is encouraging to see its strengthening under the most grueling circumstances in Muslim countries. Pray for the church in the Middle East.

Everyone loves a good story. As Christians, we especially love stories that tell us how, when all seems lost, God makes a way.

One such story is about the church in Iran—and it’s one of the greatest stories in the world today.

It’s a simple story that can be summarized in just two sentences: Persecution threatened to wipe out Iran’s tiny church. Instead, the church in Iran has become the fastest growing in the world, and it is influencing the region for Christ. Continue reading